Today's Bible Scripture | Truth Matters

Faith | Who is our Faith really in?
Who is our Faith really in? In today’s world, many people rely heavily on what others say about God, rather than searching the scriptures themselves. We’ve all been there—sitting in...
Faith | Who is our Faith really in?
Who is our Faith really in? In today’s world, many people rely heavily on what others say about God, rather than searching the scriptures themselves. We’ve all been there—sitting in...

Bible Verse | Bible Study: How to Study and Why...
Let Scripture interpret Scripture. While commentaries have value, God’s Word speaks for itself. Learn this approach to deepen your understanding.
Bible Verse | Bible Study: How to Study and Why...
Let Scripture interpret Scripture. While commentaries have value, God’s Word speaks for itself. Learn this approach to deepen your understanding.

It is More Than a Bible Verse: Unlocking the Tr...
When you pick up a Bible, what do you see? Words? Verses? Stories? For many of us, we might approach the Bible with the intention of seeking comfort, inspiration, or...
It is More Than a Bible Verse: Unlocking the Tr...
When you pick up a Bible, what do you see? Words? Verses? Stories? For many of us, we might approach the Bible with the intention of seeking comfort, inspiration, or...